Friday, October 31, 2008

What To Do

As I sit in my dungeon, er, basement, waiting for work, I am thinking of the things I could be doing, should be doing, and would rather be doing. Sleep is at the top of my list and I believe could fall into all 3 categories. Ben just went down for his nap and I'm thinking how nice it would be to get my banky and my stuffed animals and sleep. I just have to note, I love how easily he goes to nap in the morning (afternoon can be a different story). He was getting crabby, so we went upstairs, found his blanket in the living room where he dragged it earlier, and he picked it up and walked to his crib and waited for me to put him in. I can only pray the rest of his life he's such an easy kid.

Anyway, I think my "nesting" phase is over. I think I've done all I can to rid this place of junk, as some of it really does have to stay. I never did get to my basement shelves, but as I look at them now, I don't have the ambition. And I would just be putting stuff in boxes only to leave it where it currently sits. That's a project for next spring.

I now have the urge to start packing a little suitcase for Ben in case we need to rush him to someone's house, packing my bag for the hospital. I'm ready to set up the Pack n' Play even though Jon can do that while I'm in the hospital. I think I would scare him if he came home and found a suitcase by the door, so I will refrain.

And now we wait.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Now We're Talking

Ben can now say daddy and he is very proud of that. Though he knows who daddy is, everything is daddy. He'll just walk around saying dad-dy, dad-dy. He also says hi in a very sweet little voice and banky. As everyone knows, banky is almost as important as daddy.

Ben has always enjoyed opening and closing doors and drawers. He is now working on pulling doors shut. He just has to learn how to turn the handle. Hopefully that will take a while. It's been quite difficult lately to just walk out of the bathroom or bedroom because he's right there to close the door for you.

He is also a little climber. I'm not sure how he did it, but he climbed on our bed yesterday. He likes to climb on the coffee table when he thinks we can't see him. He likes to try climbing up the footboard and headboard of the bed.

Ben is also enjoying walking. He loves to just walk around the apartment, sometimes at full speed to his own detriment. He will carry a toy in each hand as he walks around, or his wolf, which he can't quite handle yet. As I write, he is wandering around the basement with a golf ball in each hand. He also plays fetch with himself, as he is doing with the golf balls. I'm glad he so easily entertains himself. That's one less thing to worry about when the baby comes.

What a joy it is to just watch him play and learn. We're not sure what we did for entertainment before we had him.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Relearning to Walk

I bought Ben some shoes yesterday. As you may guess, he was not very excited about them. He took maybe 2 steps and just stood there looking around. I believe he was silently protesting me. So after making wonderful progress in his walking, he will have to learn how to walk with shoes on. I hope he does well with this, because I already bought him boots. Maybe I should start those now...