Monday, September 6, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Time Flies

Wow, I can't believe it's been over a month since I last posted. I haven't looked at the blog for a while. I don't fill my days up with things, but I find myself very busy and don't have a lot of time to sit at the computer. I'm trying to come to grips with the fact that I'll have to catch up on sleep when my kids are out of the house.

Last weekend we had almost all of our family here to celebrate Ben turning 3 and Leah's baptism (and my birthday a little bit). Jon was able to finally baptize one of his kids, and Leah was his first baptism, so it was a little more special for us. The week leading up to that, my parents were here camping and we had some friends come through the area, so we had a busy week, but it was very fun to see everybody. The boys slept 2 nights in the camper with Grandpa and Grandma, and Ben keeps telling me he's going to sleep in the camper.

We've been having a good month. Finn's vocabulary is growing every day. He repeats Ben a lot and learns quickly, and it's generally pretty easy for me to interpret. He's a very energetic boy and is always moving, even when he's sitting on my lap. He had a great week last week, especially when both grandpas were here. I think he's going through grandpa withdrawal because he's been clingy this week.

Ben has been starting his terrible twos since he turned 3. He's been a little bearish this week and he's been a little bit different kid. He's starting to really remember and keep note of things, and his vocabulary continues to grow. It's been such a joy and blessing to watch him grow for 3 years and see the changes that come in such a short time.

Leah and I had a doctor appointment last week Friday. She is now 9.5 pounds and grew a couple inches. In the last week she has begun to outgrow her newborn clothing. We got our first smiles out of Leah this week and she's on the verge of talking to us. She has uttered 1 syllable at a time on various occasions. The boys are still very concerned about what she's doing and Finn just loves to hang on her and poke at her.

The last couple of days have been cool and fall-like. I actually hauled winter clothes out and put sleepers on the boys last night. This is perfect weather for a fire. I'm so glad Jon built our firepit this summer, even if we only used it a couple of times so far. Last night we had a fire and smores. The boys just loved it.

Hopefully this updates you a bit since I have no idea when I might post again.