Monday, October 19, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Starvin' Marvin

So this morning I'm cleaning in the living room, and I come into the kitchen to find Ben sitting on a stool eating Goldfish out of the box. Okay, no biggie. He has a few and I put them away. Pretty soon I come out of the laundry room to find him standing behind a chair (I almost didn't see him), and he stops chewing when he sees me. He's eating big marshmallows and probably has 2 in his mouth. So I put them on a higher shelf. A bit later I was in the bathroom cleaning, and here he comes with a box of graham crackers. Is he just starving, or is he eating because he can?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Okay, so I realize it's been a while, but honestly, I haven't had much to say. The days are getting cold and have been rainy, so we're kinda stuck inside. The boys seem to be rather crabby, and I think the weather could be a factor. Yesterday we woke up to frost; however, it turned out to be a beautiful day overall. I spent the afternoon and evening sanding some bed frames we bought at an auction, and the boys were able to be outside with me. I'm actually very excited about the furniture. We hope to start Ben in a regular bed after we move. We also got a chest of drawers that I have to work on today. Jon's mom will be helping me with this as it will require some stripping. I'm thankful to have the help (and the tools) here. Hopefully we'll get to painting this afternoon. Since we can't really restain it, we got a dark brown paint that I think will look very nice.

Tomorrow (Friday) will be my last official day of work, though technically the work never ends with kids. I am very excited for this. I will miss my job, because I do really enjoy it, but it's time for me to focus on the boys. We're moving in a little over 2 weeks! So I think organizing the house and taking care of the boys will be its own full-time job.

Finn is full out walking and just loves it. He loves to carry things around and just pace around the house. He does this most often while eating an apple slice. The boys have also been enjoying the Twins games. They each have a hat and love to wear them. Finn has not been one for hats, but he loves having that on. And they both look so cute! I promise, I'll get pictures on soon.

Ben is beginning to quote books at random times. He loves to read books and always says "The end" when it's done. He's actually doing well with numbers. He knows where 5 comes, but 9 seems to be his favorite right now.

Please pray for us as we make final arrangements for moving and prepare for our new home.