Wednesday, May 28, 2008


So here we are in Minnesota, on our way to Washington this week. Let me tell you, this has not been much of a vacation. We are entering the wonderful world of teething and clinging to mommy. Now, I don't know if these go hand in hand or are just coinciding, but we have a different little boy this week. Combine that with a weird schedule and lack of sleep on everybody's part. It started Friday when we decided to drive through the night to Minnesota. Ben did very well and slept pretty much the whole ride. When we got here at 5:00 in the morning, he was ready to go for the day. Jon and I got about 3 hours of sleep. We've been going here and there and Ben has been catching little naps during the days. He is not going to bed on time and is waking up early. So he's been very crabby at times and quite clingy at times, mostly when it's time for nap or bed. Now he has a cold and is stuffed up besides.

On the flip side, he is having a lot of fun getting into his grandmas' stuff, seeing as how it's all new to him. He loves all the space he has to crawl around. He is very happy when he's not crabby. He loves to tease his daddy by going over to the TV when he knows he's not supposed to. He just speed crawls with a big grin on his face and squeals. He really is a lot of fun.

We have a couple days' drive out to Washington this weekend, so we will see how he does. We're just hoping we'll be able to get some sleep at night. I'll keep you posted.


Sherilyn -Dominee Huisvrouw said...
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Sherilyn -Dominee Huisvrouw said...

well, I'm sure you've heard, "at Grandma's house, grandma's in charge," so just bring Ben into Grandma's room in the morning & go back to sleep! It's worked great for us! :)