Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Something New

Things happen every day in our house that I witness and think, "That would be great to put on the blog." But I just don't find time to sit and write stuff, and when I might have time, I've forgotten all the cute and weird things that my kids do. But I do not lament. There will always be more.

Something I wanted to write about, though, is a little outing I made with the boys the day I went into labor with Leah. We have a colleague who is a volunteer fireman, and he graciously invited us to spend some time and check out the firetrucks. So in July, thinking I really should get it done before the baby came or I just wouldn't do it (deep down I knew she was coming soon because I made a bunch of appointments that week), I called up our friend and scheduled a time for the morning of July 8. The boys spent an hour climbing in and out of the vehicles. They got to run the hose, which they thought was lots of fun. Here are a few pictures:

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