Tuesday, April 29, 2008

They Grow Up So Fast

Ben is now in the lovely stage of getting into things. He has a newfound dragging skill that aids him in this. He drags himself around by his arms, with a little help from his right foot. We found ourselves suddenly running to get baby proofing items. We have decorated our stair rail with a white lattice so he doesn't find a fun hole to go through. I must say, it looks pretty good, and we could start a climbing vine in our living room. We also got a baby gate, of course, and a baby play yard-about 6 gates put together to keep your child in the midst of his toys and out of your stuff. Not that this is working at the moment as I hear much crying if he's taken away from his stack of books or cords. He is also trying to pull himself up on things like the coffee table, the entertainment center, the footrest, and proceeds to suck on said item. He loves pulling things off, too. Not to do anything with them, but just because he can. He right now is laying at the bottom of the stairs and seems to be contemplating the first step. Ben's favorite things right now are reaching for the DVD player, the VCR, and the remote. My baby is growing up so fast, as everyone predicted. At least he still likes to cuddle with his mommy.

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