Friday, May 15, 2009

Another quick update on us:

I'm still fighting Finn on the whole nap situation. I have internal debates with myself about how long to leave him when he wakes up, but he's a screamer. He usually doesn't cry and go back to sleep. He just screams and turns red until I come get him. He's been doing that since he was born. He certainly likes to be heard. I do have to compliment him that he does not cry in the morning when he wakes up. He just talks and scratches on his bed.

Ben is fighting a cold right now. I'm guessing it's because the weather has been up and down so much. He his learning new words every day. Last night we had pizza for supper, and this morning we saw a commercial for pizza and he pointed and said pasta. Close enough. It's still a word, even if he doesn't know that.

Jon is attending his very final class today. He has finals next week and graduation. Woohoo! It has been a long road but has also gone very quickly between school and work and traveling and having 2 kids.

I am working on graduation plans and contemplating packing and moving. We suddenly seem to have a lot to do in the next few weeks. I realize my posts have been few and far between lately, and it probably will remain that way for a while.

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