Monday, March 30, 2009

We Have A Roller, and other tales

This weekend we had a couple of firsts. First, Finn has fulfilled his baby rolling requirements, i.e. tummy to back and back to tummy. He got caught up on his shoulder for a few seconds, but he made it. We just can't believe he's 4 months old already.

Second, Ben actually said "Finn." That doesn't mean he'll say it regularly, but at least he got it.

Ben is just so funny. Yesterday he was on a chair by the table while I was in the kitchen starting dinner. He spied the napkins and grabbed a bunch. I thought nothing of it because before he's just thrown them on the table. But this time, he wiped his whole face, which was not dirty by any means, with the top napkin. Then he got down off the chair and threw them all in the garbage. He got back up and tried grabbing another wad of napkins. I am now hard pressed to find a spot for them out of his reach.

This morning we're taking turns spinning each other in the office chairs. He does a very good job and I think he enjoys watching me spin as much as he enjoys spinning.

Finally, I had to post this picture for the aunt whom Finn looks like. I thought she would like this shirt and this would have looked kinda like her as a baby. (Click on the picture for a closer look.)

That's it for now, or at least until Ben does something else goofy. Have a good day folks.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

does that shirt come in adult sizes????