Jon and Ben are taking off today for Minnesota. Jon will be preaching over spring break, and Ben is going to get lots of love from his grandparents. While the boys are gone, I'm going to get a few things done around here that I normally would have too much "help" with.
I'm really going to miss Ben. He is such a good little helper. When I sit down to feed Finn, he puts a pillow behind my head, hands me the remote, and makes sure I have the footrest. When Finn drops a sock or a toy, he picks it up and gives it back. He helps me put laundry in the dryer (which I don't expect to do much of next week) and throws things away (the stuff that actually is garbage). He also likes to load me up with Mega Bloks and toys while I'm working. Some days my desk is full of stuff. I will miss Jon too, but he actually talks on the phone when someone is on the other end.
On a totally different note, I am very excited to have a bud on my lily. My aunt gave me the plant shortly after we moved here, and despite abuse from Ben, it is finally starting to flower.
Since I won't have Ben around next week, I may bore you with the details of what I'm doing.
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