Friday, March 27, 2009

Sharing Blocks

This morning I had Finn on the floor and gave him a small Mega Blok (is that an oxymoron?) to hold and suck on. Ben saw this and decided to help. He likes to hand you something and say dadoo (thank you), and Finn wouldn't take it of course, so there he stands, dadoo, dadoo, dadoo. I took it and laid it by Finn, so Ben got another one, which I laid down. Ben kept trying to regive those 2 big blocks to Finn, and I laid them on Finn's tummy. That seemed to satisfy Ben. He started making a pile of blocks next to Finn and sat nice putting them together. Ben is such a sweet little boy. I am so glad he is anxious to share his toys with Finn. We'll see how it goes when Finn can actually grab them and play like Ben can.

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