Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Let me preface this by saying that Ben is anti socks. He will not keep them on his feet for any period of time unless they are covered with shoes, which he's okay with because then he knows he gets to go somewhere. Let's begin.

Yesterday Ben took off Finn's socks. When they fall off, Ben is very good about giving them to me. (He has also started doing this when he takes off his own socks.) So Ben just pulled off Finn's socks and handed them to me like a good little boy, but since I was working, I set them on the desk. He kept trying to put them in my hands or on the keyboard. I think he finally got mad at me for not taking them, because he grabbed the socks and took them upstairs. So pretty soon I went up to change Finn and asked Ben where baby's sockies were. He proceeded to Jon's sock drawer and pulled out his dirty pair of socks (he only wore them a couple hours) he had stuck in there from Saturday. I remember him slipping them in while I was putting Jon's clean socks away. I laid Finn down on the living room floor and Ben laid his socks at Finn's feet. He really is a good little helper. Fortunately, I did find Finn's socks just laying on the living room floor among Ben's toys.

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